Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HHM Challenge - Run #1

This is the first run update for my Hypodermic Half Marathon (HHM) Challenge. The run was suppose to be a tempo run (80-85% of my Max HR) at a pace of 6:36/km. Unfortunately, since I haven't ran in 11 days, I'm not at the point where I can run for long distances without stopping. Today, instead of the tempo run, I did 3:1s and during my last 3:1 I had to walk an extra 1 minute to lower my HR.

Here is the breakdown of the run.

My results
Type of Run
3 Km
3 Km

Average HR
slightly higher
Max HR
Calories Burned


As you can see, I was a little off on what I was expected to do, but as I run more, I should get closer. The one item that concerned me after my run was my Max HR, as it was VERY HIGH. I will definitely need to monitor this a lot closer as I don't want a heart attack to occur, especially while I am running.

Run # 1 is now in the books, only 87 more to go.

Run Challenge

It has been a while since I had something to run for, so I've decided to challenge myself to complete a half-marathon. The event I'm planning on doing is the Hypodermic Half Marathon scheduled for the end of January. The details about the event have not been posted yet, so I don't have a concrete date, but once I do I will post it here.

This should be an interesting event, as it is run in cold weather and it will also be my first event in almost 2 years. If I can manage to complete it, I  should be back on track with my running and will look to complete other events next year.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Run Update

I didn't manage to run yesterday, like I had wanted to, but I did get out today. This is the first time I have run on a Saturday in months and it turned out to be a very good run as I did another negative split, even faster than Thursday's run.

Here are my numbers.

Sept 17th, 2009
2 days
Distance (km)
Average HR
Max HR
Calories Burned

As you can see, the runs are getting better. I really think it has to do with me losing some weight. I also lowered both my Average HR and Max HR even though I was running faster.

Overall, a very good run.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Run Update

Hard to believe but it has been 15 days since my last run. Surprisingly this run was a really good one as some of the numbers will show. No real reason why I haven't run over the past 2 weeks, other than lazy, so hopefully I can move forward and continue to have better runs.

Here are my numbers

DateTodaySept 2nd, 200915 days
Distance (km)4.354.23+0.12
Average HR159158-1
Max HR184178-6
Calories Burned561539+22

As you can see I didn't make it the full 30mins. The reason being is that I made it back to the start in less time than I went out (I turn at 15min). This is what is called a negative split, which is a good thing, especially since where I run, the first half is all downhill which means the second half is all uphill. The only negative thing about this run is my Max HR hitting 184. This number is higher than what my max HR should be for my age, so I will need to monitor this a little more in future runs so to not have a heart attack.

Overall, it was a great run and I'm hoping to get out again tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Giants win first game of season

With the NFL starting it's season over the past weekend, I was very interested to see how the New York Giants would start off. In years past they haven't always looked the best. This weekend, against division rival Washington, they looked solid. The defense controlled much of the game and even scored a touchdown, while the offense ran the ball OK and made some nice catches and plays after the catch. Chalk one up in the win column.

Next week, they travel to Dallas to take on another division rival as they open their over-priced, poor seating/viewing, giant HD LCD screen, new stadium. A win there and that should put them as the front runners to take the NFC East.

10 day Challenge - Update

Well I made it through my 10 day challenge without too much of a hassle. I had originally set the rule of no junk food or pop, but thought I had stated no chips, chocolate or pop. I did have a few gummy candies (3) and some Nacho chips with dip, last Friday night (during a home poker game), but overall, I did avoid all chips, chocolates and pop, so I'm happy with it.

On Sunday I broke down (after the challenge was over) and had a handful of chips during the football game, as well, a few more chips yesterday during my kids snack time. Still haven't had pop though and I will try to keep that going for a while longer.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Health numbers update

Found some time to take my measurements today, and to my surprise, most of my numbers dropped. Over the past few weeks, I've changed my food intake (during my work week specifically) to only consuming vegetable, fruit and cleansing juice. I've limited my solid food to only having supper with my family. Because of this, I have lost another 4 lbs (now down to 274 lbs) and my blood pressure numbers also came down significantly (126/86 down from 137/88). My waist size is also down (44) from when I started (45.5).

Overall, I'm very happy with the way my health is going, now if I can manage to run/jog more, I may be able to drop some more weight, and become healthier.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

NFL starts TODAY!

It's the most wonderful time of the year! The NFL starts tonight with the defending Champions taking center stage in hopes of defending their title. No chance in hell of that, but none the less they are still the champs and will be until someone else wins the title.

For me, my beloved New York Giants have to wait until Sunday at 4:15pm EST to take on their division rivals the Washington Redskins. They should win, but week 1 is always interesting as teams, namely starters, haven't really come together as a team yet. Should be interesting. Hopefully they start the season off right as they make their way to winning the NFC East (11-5 record) and back to the Super Bowl.

Go Giants!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

10 day challenge

After feeling sluggish during my last run, I've decided to issue myself a 10 day challenge.

I will not eat any junk food or drink any pop for the next 10 days.

That is it. Let's see how I do.

Run Update

Made it out for a run today, and felt better than my last run. Overall, I had no pain in my legs/shins and went 30m farther over the same time.

Here are my numbers.

DateTodayAug 31st, 20092 days
Distance (km)4.234.2+0.03
Average HR158153-5
Max HR178173-5
Calories Burned539540-1

As you can see, my HR numbers were a little higher because of pushing myself to go farther, but surprisingly I burnt off 1 less calorie. Not sure exactly how to take that, other than I spent less energy going farther.

I do have to say that around the 25 min mark I really started to feel sluggish. Not sure if it is because the lack of solid food I've been eating throughout the day or the bag of chips that I shouldn't have ate last night. Hopefully before my next run I will eliminate the chips and see how I feel.


Sat down last night to watch some TV with the wife and low and behold a big bag of Doritos fell into my lap. Naturally I ate the whole thing! Not good, especially after the past few days I've managed to only eat something solid at dinner time, while drinking vegetable/fruit juices and cleansing juice the rest of the time. Hopefully I managed to lose some weight over the past few days to counter the high amount of fat and calories I just inhaled.