Monday, May 31, 2010

Updated HR Zones

Decided that since I'm in better shape now after finishing a half marathon, that I would investigate where my HR zones are at.

PercentileOld rangeNew range

Run TypeTime/kmHR
Steady6:48under 153
Race Pace6:24

I have to say, it is easy to get confused about your HR zones as many people calculate it differently. I do like these ranges and they will definitely change my runs.


Well today I'm a little stiff. I wasn't so bad when I woke up this morning, but the 1 hour commute left my legs feeling stiff and sore. I guess that means I pushed hard yesterday, otherwise, had I taken it easy, I probably wouldn't hurt so much today.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

NCHM Challenge - RUN DAY

I made it out and I finished it!

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of Run10:114:1 good
Distance21.1 Km21.1 Kmtotal: 424.1 km
Average HR148-159 160OK
Max HR180171high
Calories Burned
2569total: 52166

First off, my time of 2:19:54 is a PERSONAL BEST! So I'm very happy for that. At 12k I was 4 min ahead of the 2:20 goal and it was looking like I may be able to finish in 2:15. Unfortunately, things went down hill from there. I became tired very fast, so my pace slowed down, but I still managed to keep doing 14:1s. It was also cold, especially with all the sweat pouring off of me.

Overall, I'm very glad I did it, and I did it faster than any other half marathon. Now to take some time off, to give my hip some much needed rest, and then plan for my next half. Hopefully for that one, I will set a goal of running it without walking.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 68

Made it out for my last run before the Half Marathon.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadyTempo great
Distance3 Km3 Kmtotal: 403 km
Pace7:195:51very fast
Average HR137-148 160high
Max HR180169high
Calories Burned
363total: 49597

Even though today is suppose to be an easy day, I decided to see if I can push myself and have a good run. Well I did, and my pace was very fast for that short of a distance (PB I think). My HR was high, due to the speed, but my Max HR didn't shoot up very high considering I was pushing.

Overall, I feel good about tomorrow's run and I may even have a PB!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 67

Despite the warm weather, I made out today for a run.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteady1 min walking ok
Distance6 Km6 Kmtotal: 400 km
Average HR137-148 153high
Max HR180164ok
Calories Burned
731total: 49234

As you can see my pace was fast which meant my average HR was high. I was actually faster for the 1st 3k (18:30) but the run became difficult after that and I walked for 1 min at 28:30. My 2nd 3k was much slower (partly due to walking and partly due to being tired) but I still finished in good time.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 66

Well, in the heat yesterday (+30 C) I tried to make it out for my last long run before the event.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadyvarious walking not great
Distance10 Km4 Kmtotal: 394 km
Pace7:197:03not good
Average HR137-148 ???see below
Max HR180???see below
Calories Burned
480total: 48503

At about 2k out I was feeling good despite the heat, but by 3k I was done.I started walking at 3.5k and by 4k I could not run/jog any more. Because I walked home from 4k (another 1.5k) I don't have good numbers for my HR, and my calories is a best guess for that distance. Only 2 more runs before the event, thankfully they are calling for cooler temperatures the day of the event.

At the moment I'm starting to get worried as my motivation to run is just not there. I'm thinking 18 weeks of training is too long as weeks 10-15 were good, but the past few have not been. I may need to re-vamp my training schedule for the next one so that I can peak at the right time and not fade out in the end like I seem to be doing right now. Hopefully everything goes well on Sunday.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Timmins Road Trip Recap

Spent the past weekend up in Timmins ON with family. I've never been there, so it was nice to get away and see a different part of this province/country.

Before we got there on Friday, they had a pretty big forest fire nearby where the water bombers were picking up their water on the lake right in front of my relatives house. My uncle had several videos of the planes going right over his house that he showed us when we got there. On Friday afternoon, the fire had sparked up again and a few of the water bombers made a few passes over the lake to get some water for the fire.

I have some videos of the planes on the lake, but not sure how to upload it. Here's a link of someone's video from the day before.

Water Bomber over Porcupine

On Saturday we went up to Cochrane ON to see Polar Bears at an exhibition. On our way we saw a bear cub on the side of the road. We also say another on the way back at a different spot. Cool to see live bears on the side of the road, but no way was I getting out of my truck for a close up.

At the Polar Bear site, there is a wading pool that you can go into and "swim" with the Polar Bear while he/she eats. The pool is separated by a thick glass, so there is no danger of being attacked/eaten by the bear. It felt pretty amazing being inches from a polar bear.

Then on Sunday, we went out the the Timmins Airport and since my uncle works there, we managed to get right on the tar mat to see the water bombers.

And my kids and I went up into the plane and saw all the controls.

They also had an opportunity to see the "Bird Dog" plane, which is the lookout plane for the bombers at the fire site.

Later that day we went to a Provincial park for the rest of the day and enjoyed the beautiful weather we had.

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, full of life experiences for everybody.

NCHM Challenge - No Run # 14

Because we were so busy on the weekend up in Timmins, I didn't get to do my LSD run on Sunday. Thankfully it was only a 6 km run, so nothing to difficult to miss.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 65

Made it out for a run this morning, in Timmins!

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadysteadygreat
Distance6 Km6 Kmtotal: 390 km
Average HR137-148 152little high
Max HR180163ok
Calories Burned
743total: 48023

I'm up in Timmins this weekend and still found time to get my run in. Course was around a lake and had some little hills that provided some challenges. Other than running early in the morning, and feeling it, it was a decent run.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 64

Made up for missing yesterday's run.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadysteadygreat
Distance8 Km8 Kmtotal: 384 km
Average HR137-148 149ok
Max HR180165ok
Calories Burned
988total: 47280

I didn't push, I just wanted to maintain a comfortable pace. Because of that, my pace was faster than a Tempo run and my HR was just outside my range. Great run.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NCHM Challenge - No Run # 13

With my hip a little sore today and the fact that I'm swamped with work right now, I've decided to skip today's run. I'm still in better position to complete this half marathon than the HHM Challenge, so all is good.

Monday, May 17, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 63

Made it out for a Tempo run today.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunTemposteadygreat
Distance6 Km6 Kmtotal: 376 km
Average HR148-159 156good
Max HR180168ok
Calories Burned
733total: 46292

After that horrible LSD run on Saturday I wanted to go out today and have a great run. I made sure to push even when going mostly uphill the last 1.5k. Overall my pace was fast and it was a great run.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 62

Not a good run today.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunLSDvariousnot good
Distance20 Km11.08 Kmtotal: 370 km
Pace7:197:51not good
Average HR139-148 151not good
Max HR180167ok
Calories Burned
1211total: 45559

I could not get my HR below 150 while running and it made it for a tough run. Overall it was not a good run.

Friday, May 14, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 61

Despite missing some runs this week and a busy weekend ahead, I've moved tomorrow's run up to today.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadysteadygood
Distance6 Km6 Kmtotal: 358.92 km
Average HR139-148 148ok
Max HR180166ok
Calories Burned
742total: 44348

I could tell that I hadn't ran in a few days as I was feeling a bit sluggish. I still managed to get it in. I'm also moving Sunday's run to Saturday, as Sunday is a very busy day at my house this week (more on that later).

NCHM Challenge - No Run #10, #11, & #12

Had a work issue this week that prevented me from running.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 60

Great run.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunLSD14:1great
Distance18 Km18 Kmtotal: 352.92 km
Average HR139-148 144great
Max HR180155great
Calories Burned
2198total: 43606

Decided to change things up and did 14:1s today and all went well. My pace, although faster than normal, felt really great and apart from the strong head wind coming back, the run was near perfect.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 59

Even thought it was cold and raining, I still made it out today.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadySteadygreat
Distance6 Km6 Kmtotal: 334.92 km
Average HR139-148 146OK
Max HR180177little high
Calories Burned
748total: 41408

Other than feeling a little sick/drained today, I had a decent run. I think because of feeling a little off, my HR was higher than usual.

Friday, May 7, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 58

I missed my run yesterday so I went out today.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadySteadygreat
Distance8 Km8 Kmtotal: 328.92 km
Average HR139-148 139great
Max HR180156great
Calories Burned
993total: 40660

Today was an enjoyable run. I never felt tired and my pace was almost as fast as my scheduled Tempo runs. My HR stayed low and I managed to be 13 secs faster on my 4k back.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 57

Tried to go out and do Speed training after supper but developed a cramp at the beginning of my first K, so I didn't make it through.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSpeedvariousnot good
Distance? Km2.8 Kmtotal: 320.92 km
Pace6:36???not good
Average HR148-159 ???not good
Max HR180???not good
Calories Burned
331total: 39667

I really don't have numbers as my run was broken up into various parts. Overall, not a good run.

Monday, May 3, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 56

With having a horrible run yesterday, and tonight is going to be a late night that will make tomorrow a tired day, I decided to run today.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunTempoSteadyOK
Distance6 Km6 Kmtotal: 318.12 km
Average HR148-159 153Great
Max HR180166OK
Calories Burned
733total: 39336

I'm very glad I did run today as it was a great run.The only difficult part of this run was the last 2k (the last k being all uphill) were getting hard. My split time was about 50 secs slower, but like I said, a good part of it was uphill. With running today (instead of tomorrow), I'm going to try and do some speed training on Wednesday. Should be fun, I just need to find a 1.6k stretch of flat pavement to run on.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

14 day Challenge

I wanted to start a 14 day challenge yesterday, but circumstances beyond my control prevented me, so I'm starting it today.

I will not eat any junk food (chips or chocolate) for 14 days.

Since completing my 15 day Cleanse, I find that I've been munching on junk way more than before and I need to put a stop to it. I'm not saying I'll never eat junk again, I just need to cut back, so eliminating it for 2 weeks will help me.

NCHM Challenge - Run # 55

It was bound to happen, and today it did. What you ask? A bad run, that is what.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunLSD10:1OK
Distance18 Km7.86 Kmtotal: 312.12 km
Average HR137-148 147OK
Max HR180160OK
Calories Burned
987total: 38603

There's many things I can blame it on: heat, tired, eating before run, lazy. But in reality I just couldn't push through it, so I only have myself to blame. Hopefully, the rest of my runs are good enough to make up for this one.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

NCHM Challenge - Run # 54

Made it out today and this time I took both my daughters with me, on their bikes.

Here are my numbers

My resultsComments
Type of RunSteadysteadyOK
Distance6 Km6 Kmtotal: 304.26 km
Average HR137-148 145OK
Max HR180177little high
Calories Burned
721total: 37618

Numbers are within ranges and my pace is getting faster.